Movie adaptations of popular TV series in the
Unlike the TV series this jumps back to 1939 and the outbreak of the 2nd World War and Alf (Warren Mitchell) has only been married to Else(Dandy Nichols) for a few weeks but already they are arguing about anything and everything.
He is as bigoted as ever and with the arrival of a daughter (Una Stubbs) and as she grows her left-wing husband (Anthony Booth), he finds it more and more difficult to adapt to changing times.
While the sitcom based most of its comedy in the bickering household and occasionally the local pub, the film expands it and despite a bigger budget and good cast it loses a lot of its original appeal. There are highlights like Alf at the 1966 World Cup Final and the second half of the film is more like its TV origins but overall it’s a very hit and miss affair.
For many who grew up with the series, it will bring back many fond memories and like me, wonder why it is so frowned upon today and never repeated. Sure Alf is a bigoted racist but that’s the point, he is shown as an idiot and always comes out worse in the end. Some of the language used is shocking viewed today, but critics should remember when it was made and learn from it.
The Blu Ray released by Network uses a new remastered print and it looks very good. Colours are bold, i could not see any damage at all to the print this is certainly the best it has probably looked since its cinema release. Audio is original mono and sounds fine and clear.
Some interesting extras including a long thought lost episode from the original series called Sex Before Marriage and has not been seen since its original broadcast.
A nice remastered release from Network