David Cronenberg is a director who is not frightened to show you the horrors of the human body and his films are often called body horror because of the subject matter chosen, films like Scanners, Videodrome and this film, The Brood showcases his style admirably.
Frank Carveth (Art Hindle) is becoming increasingly concerned about his ex-wife Nola’s (Samantha Eggar) secretive treatment at the sinister ‘Somafree Institute of Psychoplasmics’ headed by cult figure Dr Raglan (Oliver Reed). The doctor’s controversial and extreme methods seek to unleash his patients’ pent-up rage, these start to take on physical manifestations. As Frank delves deeper he is finally led to a horrific final confrontation.
The Brood gives you a feeling of dread from the very beginning of the film, it has a very creepy atmosphere, partly due to the locations used and the mixed colour palette. It builds up slowly, showing you the horror of the situation the more into the story you go. Stand out moments are the scene in the school where a teacher is attacked in full view of the horrified children and the climax where Frank finally sees with his own eyes what is happening to his ex-wife at the institute.
Definitely one of Cronenberg’s better early films, it was made after a very painful divorce for the director and he puts into the film his feelings about the subject – anger, bitterness, loneliness and fights over child custody. The performances are all top notch, the effects and haunting music score by Howard Shore add to the film enormously.
Second Sight has again, like there previous release Scanners, done a marvellous job of bringing the HD picture to life. The remastered image is solid and stable, close-ups boast excellent depth, grain is in the image giving it a good filmic look. A very good looking transfer indeed. The sound is English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0, it is clear, free from any noise and serves the film perfectly.
Extras are as follow:
- Meet The Carveths – Stars Art Hindle & Cindy Hinds interviewed by Fangoria Editor Chris Alexander. Interesting views on the making of the film and the director.
- Look Of Rage – interview with Cinematographer Mark Irwin
- Producing The Brood – interview with Producer Pierre David. Talks about how the film came about, the production process etc.
- Character For Cronenberg – interview with Actor Robert A.Silverman
- Cronenberg: The Early Years – Writer/Director David Cronenberg discusses how he broke into filmmaking.
Another very good package from Second Sight.
FILM: 7.5 OUT OF 10