The acclaimed horror-comedy Snatchers is coming to Blu ray and will be released on 17th of February courtesy of Warners.
Seventeen-year-old Sara has more than an overbearing Mum to worry about. Her frenemy circle is closing in, and she still has feelings for her dumb but ex-boyfriend, Skyler. When hormones win out over common sense, Sara has sex with Skylar, but fails to use protection. She wakes up pregnant the next day…nine months pregnant. Utterly confused and frightened, Sara turns to the only person she can truly trust to help her -without ruining her rep – her nerdy ex-best friend, Hayley. After giving birth to the Snatcher, they realize that the carnage has only begun, and enlist the help of a conspiracy theory- obsessed alpaca farmer to put an end to it once and for all.
Compared in parts to Shaun of Dead, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Gremlins, Snatchers brings the spirit of horror combined with gut-busting comedy with its edgy humour and bloody alien creatures.
Extras on the Blu ray will include The Birth of Snatchers: A Behind-the-Scenes Look, Unexpected: The Snatchers Blooper Reel, Audio Commentary featuring Directors and Writers Stephen Cedars, Benji Kleiman and Writer Scott Yacyshyn.